Recreational Activities

Recreational Activities

A variety of recreational activities is available all year round.

Children's Theatre

Price: $25.00

This year the West Union Parks and Recreation will again be hosting a children's theatre company. In the past we have performed Rumpelstiltskin, The Little Mermaid, The Secret Garden, and Sleeping Beauty with the Missoula Children's Theatre. In 2017, the children performed Peter Pan  and in 2018 The Wizard of Oz through Compass Creative Dramatics from Chicago. Compass Creative Dramatics will be back again in 2019 and we will be doing Beauty and the Beast. This year's practice and production will take place from July 14-20. Performances will be held on Friday, July 19 , at 7 p.m. and Saturday, July 20 at 1 p.m. This production is for anyone who is currently in 1st grade through 12th grade. There are roles for 75 children and youth.

The directors stay in homes of our local citizens for the week and are in charge of all the practices with our youth. It is simply amazing what the children can do with only one week of practice. Please mark your calendars and take in one of the performances. You will not be disappointed. Please contact Kathleen Guyer at 563-380-8496 if you would like more information. Click on the links below for additonal information and the registration form.

[FAQ] [Registration Form] [Director Bios] [Director Bio]


Christmas Lighting

Price: Free

Please join the Festival of Lights on Friday, November 23, 2018, for its Grand Lighting with Santa Claus. Each child who brings a canned good for the Northeast Iowa Food Shelf will have their name put into a drawing to help Santa turn on the lights. Donations to the Festival of Lights are always welcome as well.


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Contact us with questions or concerns.