Youth Athletics

Youth Athletics

A variety of athletic activities is available all year round.

Flag Football

Flag football is a version of American football or Canadian football where the basic rules of the game are similar to those of the mainstream game. You can print the Registration Form and submit to West Union Parks and Recreation. Please mail paper registrations to PO Box 151, West Union, IA 52175. We will not have online registration this fall.

[Registration Form]


Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. Fall 2018 registration is closed at this time.

Click on the following link for all the information on the program and to register: online registration]


Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Practices only will be held on Sundays in September from 2-5 p.m. and games will be played on Sunday afternoons in October. Vicki Kapnisis will be the coach this year.

[Registration Form]

October 28, 2018 Game Schedule

Basketball (Grades 3-6)

Basketball is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter. Practices will be held in January and February. The players will learn the fundmentals of playing basketball. There will not be any games at this age level. Coaches are Kole Larson and Levi Danker. Deadline to register is Friday, January 6, 2017. You can either click the registration form and complete and mail that form to Parks and Recreation, POBox 151, West Union, IA 52175 or click on the getmeregistered address or the getmeregistered box and it will take you to the online registration form.The QR code will take you to the online registration as well.

[Registration Form] []


Basketball (Girls & Boys 4-5-6)

Basketball is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter. 2017 Boys and Girls Coaches are yet to be determined. We now have the online option for registering for boys and girls basketball. These teams will travel to other communities to play games in January and Feb for 6 weeks. Practices begin in November and schedules will be sent once coaches are secured, and dates/times verified by the school but generally run 2-3 times per week for the boys and 1-2 times per week for the girls. Complete schedules will be sent home with the athletes once registration has been completed.

To register your boys/girls online for basketball, please follow this link:

Paper registrations are available below. Just print the form, complete and mail to PO Box 151, West Union, IA 52175.

[Girls Registration Form] [Boys Registration Form]

Baseball & Softball

Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of nine players each who take turns batting and fielding. Representatives from most of the towns in the league met in November 2017, to discuss team structure and game rules. We have resturctured the grades for this summer to allow our teams to be more equal. We will be putting the following grades together: K-1 is T-ball: 2-3 is Pitching machine/Coach Pitch; 4-5 Minors; and 6-7 Majors. These changes are being made league-wide to better accommodate the change in players. Preschool will no longer have the option to play t-ball. They must have completed Kindergarten/Junior Kindergarten to be eligible to play t-ball. We are making the move to start teaching them the game of baseball/softball with outs, innings, etc. For information on each level, please click here.

[baseball/softball registration ]

Payment for Baseball/Softball registrations can be handled 3 ways.

1.    They can be mailed to:  West Union Parks and Recreation, PO Box 151, West Union, IA  52175.

2.    The City of West Union now accepts credit/debit cards for payments.  Contact Aime Johansen at 563-422-3908.

3.     You can go online directly at: 

Partner: Swim Team

Please contact Katie Wymer for details on signing your child(ren) up for swim team. This is not a Park and Rec Activity. We just post this here for your convenience. Click here for a copy of the [2019 Meet schedule].


Got questions?

Email Kathy Guyer or call 563-380-8496